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What Your Favorite Font Type Says About You.

Updated: Apr 21, 2020

Have you ever noticed that most designers tend to gravitate towards a certain font type? Some always choose Sans-Serif, some Serif others Decorative, and a special few even choose a Script font… Have you ever wondered what this means about you?

What makes you choose this font type? What keeps drawing you back to this specific font type. In this post I am going to explain what your font type of choice means about you.

1. Serif

If you find yourself attracted to serif type fonts you are a traditionalist. Serif fonts are old fashioned and formal. A Serif font can also be seen as luxurious.


So if your main font of choice is a serif font you probably have really good manners. You remember to say please and thank you and are always an amazing house guest.


Your style is probably expensive, but traditional. You have Louis Vuitton and Chanel bags. Your closet is also probably full of Prada and Dolce and Gabbana.


You love the classics. Your favorite band is probably the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, The Beach Boys or the Rolling Stones.


You definitely drive a Mercedes Benz, classic and clean with a hint of luxury.

2. Sans-Serif

Sans-Serif fonts are modern and trendy, Sans-Serif fonts are what's hot in design right now. This font is very informal.


You are a modern man/woman. You are super chill and casual. Along with these you are probably super tech savvy.


You are probably into more of a street wear style. A hoodie is an absolute outfit staple. Your closet is full of Boot Boy Biz tees, Offwhite, and Yeezy.


Your Spotify playlists consist of Kanye, Doja Cat, Frank Ocean and possibly Tyler the Creator. You are into rap, hip hop and a bit of R&B.


You are for sure driving a Tesla, it doesn't even matter which one.

3. Script fonts

Script fonts are generally very flowy and formal. The vibe a script font gives off is fancy, they are mostly seen on invitations.


You are very formal and fancy. You address everyone older than you by Ma'am and Sir. You have definitely nailed the ability to write a formal email.


A suit or a blouse/skirt is your outfit of choice. Banquets, fundraisers, and cocktail parties are your favorite thing ever because you can break out your gorgeous formal wear.


You enjoy classical music, you probably play the violin, flute or piano. Beethoven, Bach and Mozart are your favorite, but you also enjoy a good violin cover of a pop song.


You don’t drive, your company sends you a town car.

4. Decorative

This font style is unique and often made specifically for a project. Every font in this category looks entirely different.


You are your own person, very unique. You don't follow social norms, you just do whatever you want, whenever you want.


Most of your clothes you handpicked from various thrift shops, this makes your style literally one of a kind.


Indie Rock is your genre of choice. You enjoy singing as loud as you can to Death Cab for Cutie, Neutral Milk Hotel, Arcade Fire and Modest Mouse. If you play an instrument it's probably ukulele or guitar.


If you drive a car it’s probably a Mini Cooper or Volkswagen Beetle.

Let me know in the comments if your font type description totally fits your personality and style.

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